Sunday, December 22, 2013

It Worked For Me - RFduino

This past fall well after its KickStarter campaign had successfully completed I stumbled across the RFduino.  At the time I was looking for a Bluetooth Low Energy solution to pair with my new Nexus 7 tablet.  I very much liked what I saw.  As I had missed the opportunity to support the KickStarter campaign and had several other projects in the works I figured I would wait to hear what people had to say once it started shipping.

I kept an eye on checking on how things were going.  As the fall progressed things appeared to be moving along.  In December orders were complete to all the KickStarter backers and they were moving forward on the Pre-order shipments.  I decided that once the backlog cleared I would place my order.

Imagine my surprise when last week while searching the hobby electronics section of the MIcroCenter website I found that MicoCenter was stocking the RFduino and my local store had several in stock.  They had both the RF Digital RF Duino Teaser Kit which comes with a RFduino and an RF Digital USB Shield Accessory Board and single RFduino units.  While the RFduino Teaser Kit was priced below what buying the two modules separately would cost I determined that it looked like the RFduino could be programmed with an Sparkfun FTDI 3.3V board that I already had.

I placed a web order and picked up the unit at the store.


Getting an initial application up and running was extremely easy. I followed the instructions in the RFduino Quick Start Guide and using the schematic of the RFduino USB Shield I was able to download a program from the Arduino IDE running on my Windows 7 computer.  I started with a simple application that just printed “Hello World” to the serial port.  When I ran the serial monitor in the IDE I got back “Hello World” from the RFduino.

The pinout between the RFduino and the FTDI board looks like this.  A .01UF capacitor is needed between DTR on the FTDI board and Reset on the RFDuino.


Next using the AdvertisementContinous example I setup the RFduino to let the world know it existed.  I was able to see the RFduino using the BLE Explorer Scan application available from Google Play on my Nexus 7 tablet.

I was also able to use an IOGEAR GBU521 Bluetooth 4.0 USB Micro Adapter to see the RFduino under linux using the hcitool lescan and on Windows 7 using the IOGEAR drivers and not the Windows drivers that automatically get loaded when you just plug in the adapter.  Make sure to install the drivers from IOGEAR before plugging in the adapter or you will get a set of Windows drivers that don’t work.

Over the next couple of weeks I hope to develop an application or two that makes use of the RFduino.

It Worked for Me - Nexus 7 2013

Back in July my Acer Iconia Tab A100 died.  I was rather disappointed as I had only bought it a little over a year ago.  However, it gave me an opportunity to see what had developed over the last year in the tablet space and buying something new.

After thinking about it for a while I decided that I would go with same form factor and therefore started looking at 7 inch tables.  Shortly after starting my search I started hearing that Google was going to be releasing a new version of the Nexus 7.  After looking at what else was out there I decided that the new Google Nexus 7 look like the way to go.

I decided to hold off buying one right away and then held off even longer after hearing that there were problems with the GPS.  By September it looked like the GPS bugs had been resolved and I purchased one.


Fast forward four months…

I have been very pleased with my purchase.  I have mostly used it for portable web browsing and email.  I have found the batter life much better than the Acer and the high-def screen is very nice.  I have fewer problems with the touch screen but I am not sure if that is that I am more accustom to using it or if it works better.

I look forward to using it in some projects.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Quick Note - pcDuino - Changing Debug Levels (Revised)

I had recently run into an issue where the rsyslogd process was chewing up about 75% of the CPU when I was using the mali driver for GLES2 support. I found out that the mali_debug_level and the ump_debug_level were set to 10. As a result there was a significant amount of messages being generated by these drivers. I changed the mali_debug_level to 2 and ump_debug_level to 2 and the high utilization and the messages went away.

Create a conf file for mali in /etc/modprobe.d with one line in it.
cat > /etc/modprobe.d/mali.conf
options mali mali_debug_level=2

Create a conf file for ump in /etc/modprobe.d with one line in it.
cat > /etc/modprobe.d/ump.conf
options ump ump_debug_level=2

I believe this will still get you critical and error messages.
Related commands:
  • To list settable options for a module use: modinfo <module>
  • If module isn’t loaded you can do modprobe <module> [<parameter>=<value>]
  • To determine active value look in /sys/module/<module>/parameters

openFrameworks / pcDuino MFB Update 2

These instructions are for installing the latest copy of openFrameworks for pcDuino using the mali framebuffer and not X-windows. The instructions assume you are running in an ssh session and not on the console.

Make sure to read the post about changing debug levels for the mali and ump drivers or you will not get very good performance.

Install git

sudo apt-get install git

Setup the pcDuino to use Mali Framebuffer

git clone
cd sunxi-mali
git submodule init
git submodule update
make config VERSION=r3p0 ABI=armhf EGL_TYPE=framebuffer
sudo make install
make test
sudo stop lightdm
sudo ./test/test

At this point you should see something that looks like this:


Setup openFrameworks

git clone
cd pcDuino-openFrameworks
git checkout -b pcDuino-dev origin/pcDuino-dev

Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libasound2-dev libxmu-dev libxxf86vm-dev g++ libraw1394-dev libudev-dev gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg libopenal-dev libsndfile-dev libfreeimage-dev libcairo2-dev libgtk2.0-dev python-lxml python-argparse libfreetype6-dev portaudio19-dev libssl-dev libpulse-dev

Install Codecs

sudo apt-get install libmpg123-dev gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly

Compile and run the pcDuino Hello World Program

cd ../../../apps/devApps/pcDuino_hello_world_gles2/
make PLATFORM_VARIANT=pcduinomfb
sudo ./bin/pcDuino_hello_world_gles2

At this point you should see a spinning pcDuino board on a yellow background.

If you have any questions or something doesn't work please leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

openFrameworks / pcDuino MFB Update 1

I am in the process of updating openFrameworks for pcDuino MFB which provides support for openFrameworks on the pcDuino using the Mali frame buffer.  I have setup a new repository based on the latest openFrameworks release and have applied the pcDuino Mali frame buffer changes that I developed last spring.  The latest openFramework release has incorporated the Raspberry Pi changes which the pcDuino changes are patterned after.

The new repository and the appropriate branch can be found at:

The repository has the changes in it and I have successfully compiled several of the examples and several of my own test programs.  What I haven’t tested is the install process.  I hope to get to that over the next week or so.

If you give it a try I would be interested in hearing from you (leave a comment) and if you find something that doesn’t work please put an issue in for the repository.

Quick Note - pcDuino - Changing mali_debug_level

Create a conf file for mali in /etc/modprobe.d with one line in it.

cat > /etc/modprobe.d/mali.conf
options mali mali_debug_level=2

I had recently run into an issue where the rsyslogd process was chewing up about 75% of the CPU when I was using the mali driver for GLES2 support. I found out that the mali_debug_level was set to 10. As a result there was a significant amount of messages being generated by the driver. I changed the mali-debug_level to 2 and the high utilization and the messages went away.

I believe this will still get you critical and error messages.

Related commands:

  • To list settable options for a module use: modinfo <module>
  • If module isn’t loaded you can do modprobe <module> [<parameter>=<value>]
  • To determine active value look in /sys/module/<module>/parameters

Thursday, September 12, 2013

pcDuino - Interrupt Tutorial

This is the latest installment of my series of pcDuino tutorials.  This tutorial will show you how to setup and program the pcDuino to respond to an external interrupt.

This assumes that you have a basic working knowledge of the pcDuino and Linux.  It builds upon the pcDuino – Blink Totorial.

For this tutorial you will need the following items:

  1. A pcDuino running the 20130531 Ubuntu image.
  2. A breadboard.
  3. A button such as the Mini Push Button Switch sold by Sparkfun.
  4. Three jumper wires.
  5. A 10K ohm resistor.
  6. The source code below for building interrupt.c.


Hardware Setup

The setup for this is simple.  You connect one end of the switch to the 3.3V pin on the pcDuino.  You connect the other end of the switch to GPIO2 pin on the pcDuino and to ground through the 10K resistor.  The 10K resistor as it is connected to ground is a pull-down resistor.  It keeps the signal at 0V when the switch is open.  If a pull-up or pull-down resistor was not used the signal would float which could cause intermittent interrupts when one was not signaled.


The pins used are shown by the red arrows in the board diagram above.

Interrupt Program

An interrupt is described in Wikipedia as a signal to the processor emitted by hardware or software indicating an event that needs immediate attention.  In this tutorial we are working with a hardware interrupt. 

The pcDuino is setup with two pins that can be used for interrupts: GPIO2 and GPIO3.  The program is written to use SWIRQ_PIN1 and GPIO2.  However, SWIRQ_PIN2 is also define which corresponds to GPIO3.

The way the program works is that when the switch is opened gpio pin 2 is is connected to ground at 0V.  When the switch is pushed it connects 3.3V to gpio pin 2 which is read by the system and results in an interrupt service routine (ISR) being called if one is defined.

There are 5 types of interrupts:

  1. Rising – called when the signal goes from low to high.
  2. Falling – called when the signal goes from high to low.
  3. High – called when the signal is high.
  4. Low – called when the signal is low.
  5. Change – called when the signal goes from low to high and then again when it goes from high to low.


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <signal.h>   
#include <stdlib.h>    
#include <inttypes.h>    
#include <sys/ioctl.h>    
#include <fcntl.h>
// sw_interrupt must be loaded.  
// if it isn't load using:
// modprobe sw_interrupt

// Data structure for defining an interrupt on the pcDuino   
typedef struct swIRQ {    
    uint8_t channel;    
    int mode;    
    int pid;    
} swIRQt,*irqSWp;

// Pseudo device for controlling interrupts   
static const char *swirq_dev = "/dev/swirq";

#define SWIRQ_START   (0x201)   
#define SWIRQ_STOP    (0x202)    
#define SWIRQ_SETPID  (0x203)    
#define SWIRQ_ENABLE  (0x204)    
#define SWIRQ_DISABLE (0x205)

#define SWIRQ_RISING  (0x00)   
#define SWIRQ_FALLING (0x01)    
#define SWIRQ_HIGH    (0x02)    
#define SWIRQ_LOW     (0x03)    
#define SWIRQ_CHANGE  (0x04)

#define SWIRQ_PIN1    (0x0)   
#define SWIRQ_PIN2    (0x1)

int main(int _argc, char **_argv) {   
  int fd;    
  int ret;    
  uint8_t swIrqNum = 0;    
  swIRQt swIrqCfg;    
  // Define ISR    
  int irqPin1Cnt = 0;    
  int irqPin1Func (void) {    

  // Attach the ISR to the USR1 signal which is triggered by the OS when the interupt is signaled.   
  signal(SIGUSR1, (void (*) (int))irqPin1Func);

  // Setup to use pin1 / gpio2 when the signal goes from low to high. = SWIRQ_PIN1;    
  swIrqCfg.mode = SWIRQ_RISING; = getpid();    
  swIrqNum = SWIRQ_PIN1;    
  // Connect a file descriptor to the pseudo device used to control interrupts    
  fd = open(swirq_dev, O_RDONLY);    
  if ( fd < 0 ) {    
    printf("open swirq device fail");    
  // Disable interrupts using pin1 / gpio2    
  ret = ioctl(fd, SWIRQ_STOP, &swIrqNum);    
  if (ret < 0) {    
    printf("can't set SWIRQ_STOP");    
  // Configure pin1 / gpio2 interrupts    
  ret = ioctl(fd, SWIRQ_SETPID, &swIrqCfg);    
  if (ret < 0) {    
    printf("can't set SWIRQ_SETPID");    
  // Enable interrupts on pin1 / gpio2    
  ret = ioctl(fd, SWIRQ_START, &swIrqNum);    
  if (ret < 0) {    
    printf("can't set SWIRQ_START");    
  // Disconnect from the pseudo device    
  if (fd) close(fd);    

  // Loop forever. Print out the counter when the ISR has been called.    
  int oldValue = 0;    
  while (2>1) {    
    if (oldValue != irqPin1Cnt) {    
      printf("irqPin1Funct: %d\n", irqPin1Cnt);    
      oldValue = irqPin1Cnt;    

Program Setup

Using the editor of your choice or the command “cat > interrupt.c” you will need to get the program on to your pcDuino.  See the Blink Tutorial for screen shots on how to do this.

Next you will need to load the appropriate driver if it isn’t already loaded when you boot your system.  You can check using the lsmod command and then load the driver using “sudo modprobe sw_interrupt” again there are screenshots of this in the Blink Tutorial.

Next compile your program using “gcc interrupt.c –o interrupt” and then run it using “./interrupt”.  When you press the button you should get a number printed on your screen.  You will need to use ctrl-c to exit the program.


Thanks to the folks at Sparkfun and their great Getting Started with pcDuino for getting me started with putting this tutorial together.  Also thanks to the folks on the pcDuino website for their support.  Check out the website and forums for more information.

Monday, September 2, 2013

pcDuino - Analog Read Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to program the pcDuino to read an analog input.

It assumes you have a basic working knowledge of the pcDuino on Linux.  It builds upon the pcDuino – Blink Tutorial.

For this tutorial you will need the following items:

  1. A pcDuino running the 20130531 Ubuntu image with ssh.
  2. A breadboard.
  3. A potentiometer.
  4. Three wire jumpers.
  5. The source code below for analog.c


Hardware Setup

A potentiometer also known as a pot has three terminals.  These terminals connect to the the input voltage, the input channel and ground.  The input channel terminal is connected inside the pot to a wiper that moves across resistive material in the pot.  The closer it is to the terminal with ground connected the lower the voltage and the closer it is to the terminal with the input voltage higher the voltage is.

I used a 10K Ohm breadboard compatible potentiometer similar to the one in the picture below.

From left to right on the breadboard in the picture above are connected: ground, ADC2, and 3.3V.


At this point you are ready to power up your pcDuino.

Analog Read Program

To read an analog pin you just need to open a special file and then read the file.

The file is /proc/adc# where the # is replaced with 0 – 5 depending on the pin you are using.  ADC0 and ADC1 work with voltages from 0V to 2V and have 6 bits.  This means that you are going to be reading values from 0 to 63.  ADC1 – ADC5 work with voltages from 0V to 3.3V and have 12 bits which means you will read values from 0 – 4095.

When /proc/adc# is read it returns the following string: adc#:<value> where # is the adc pin 0 to 5 and value is 0 to 63 for ADC0 and ADC1 and 0 to 4095 for ADC2 to ADC5.


#include <stdio.h>   
#include <fcntl.h>

#define ADEV "/proc/adc2" int main(void) { int aPin = open(ADEV, O_RDONLY); while (2 > 1) { char tBuf[16]; // set to start of file lseek(aPin, 0, SEEK_SET); // read adc data int ret = read(aPin, tBuf, sizeof(tBuf)); // convert adc data to a value. int aVal = atoi(tBuf+5); printf("%d\n", aVal); } }

Program Setup

Using the editor of your choice or the command “cat > analog.c” you will need to get the program on to your pcDuino.  See the Blink Tutorial for screen shots on how to do this.

Next you will need to load the appropriate driver if it isn’t already loaded when you boot your system.  You can check using the lsmod command and then load the driver using “sudo modprobe adc” again there are screenshots of this in the Blink Tutorial.

Next compile your program using “gcc analog.c –o analog” and then run it using “./analog”.  You should get a series of numbers printed on your screen.  These numbers should change when you rotate the pot attached to the pcDuino.


Thanks to the folks at Sparkfun and their great Getting Started with pcDuino for getting me started with putting this tutorial together.  Also thanks to the folks on the pcDuino website for their support.  Check out the website and forums for more information.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

pcDuino - Blink Tutorial

This tutorial will show you how to program the pcDuino to flash an LED on a connected breadboard.

It assumes you have a basic working knowledge of the pcDuino and Linux.

For this tutorial you will need the following items:

  1. A pcDuino running the 20130531 Ubuntu image with ssh.
  2. A breadboard.
  3. An LED.
  4. A 100ohm resistor
  5. Two wire jumpers.
  6. The source code below for blink.c


Hardware Setup

The hardware setup for this tutorial is pretty easy. 

Take the LED and plug the negative or cathode lead into the ground strip on you breadboard.  This lead is the shorter of the two leads and comes from the side if the LED that is flat.

Plug the positive or anode lead into a row on the body of the breadboard.

Take the resistor and plug on end into the same row as the positive lead of the LED and plug the other lead into another row on the body of the breadboard.

You should end up with something that is close to the picture below but without the jumpers.


Take your two jumpers and connect one into the ground strip and the other into the row as the resistor lead (and only the resistor lead) in it.  I used a black jumper for the ground and a green one for the signal.

Next you will need to connect the other ends of the jumpers to the pcDuino.  This should be done before power the pcDuino on.


At the bottom of the pcDuino board there are two rows of pins.  One row of pins is right next to the edge of the board and the other is on the other side of the first row.  We are going to be using pins in the row right next to the edge of the board.

With the board oriented so that the host usb ports are to the left and the hdmi / ethernet jack are to the left we want to connect the ground jumper to the fourth (4th) in from the right and the signal jumper to the fifth (5th) pin.  This will connect the ground jumper to a ground pin and the signal jumper to the pin assigned to gpio13.

At this point you are ready to power up your pcDuino to get the program loaded and compiled.

blink Program

Blinking an LED with the pcDuino is pretty simple.  On the pcDuino the pin we connected our signal jumper to is known as a gpio pin.  This stands for “general purpose IO”.

On the pcDuino the gpio pins are accessed using two pseudo files. 

The first “file” is /sys/devices/virtual/misc/gpio/mode/gpio13.  This “file” is used to set the mode of the pin.  There are three possible modes: input, output, and input with pull up resistor.  We will be using the output mode.

The second “file” is /sys/devices/virtual/misc/gpio/pin/gpio13.  This “file” is used to set the value of the pin.  Pins can be set to low or zero by writing a “0” to this “file”.  Pins can be set to high or one by writing a “1” to this “file”.

With our blink example writing a “1” to the value pin will light the LED and writing a “0” will turn off the LED.

The program below turns the LED on, waits two seconds, turns the LED off, waits two seconds and then starts the whole process over until it has been done 10 times.


#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#define pinModePath "/sys/devices/virtual/misc/gpio/mode/gpio13"
#define pinDataPath "/sys/devices/virtual/misc/gpio/pin/gpio13"

int main(void) {

  int pinMode = open(pinModePath, O_RDWR);
  int pinData = open(pinDataPath, O_RDWR);

  // "0" - pin INPUT
  // "1" - pin OUTPUT
  // "8" - pin INPUT with pull-up resistor
  write(pinMode, "1", 1);
  // "0" - LOW
  // "1" - HIGH
  write(pinData, "1", 1);
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < 10; i++) {
    write(pinData, "1", 1);
    write(pinData, "0", 1);

Program Setup

Start by connecting to your pcDuino via ssh. I am connecting from a PC running Windows 7 Pro 64bit and using a KiTTY as my ssh program. KiTTY is a form of PuTTY v0.62 which has some added features I like. Any ssh program should work.

Login into any user on your pcDuino.  I used the default ubuntu user which if you haven’t changed it (which you should have) has a default password of ubuntu.


I would suggest making a subdirectory to build your program in.  This isn’t required but is a nice way when you get to more complicated programs of keeping everything together.  I used tutorial and then changed directory to tutorial.

The next step we will do will allow you to copy the source code from this post and paste it into a file on the pcDuino.  Start by copying the source code for blink.c posted above.  The go back to your ssh windows type “cat > blink.c” and return.  This will leave you with a blinking cursor one line below the cat command.


Next move your mouse pointer into the ssh window and paste the source code into the window.  Once the source code has finished “typing” into your window press control-D (while holding down the control key press and release the D).  This will bring you back to the prompt.  Most ssh programs I have used will automatically paste what is in the paste buffer into the window if you select the right mouse button.



If this process of entering the source code doesn’t work you can always manually type the source code into a file using a text editor on the linux system.  This isn’t that difficult to do but is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Next you should make sure that the gpio drivers are loaded on your system.  This is done by running the “lsmod” command.  As shown in the window below there should be a line for hardwarelib followed by gpio.  If that line doesn’t exist you can use the privileged modprobe command to load the driver.  This is done by typing “sudo modprobe gpio”.  Once this has been done you can rerun the lsmod command and you should see the gpio’s listed.


You are now ready to compile your program and run it.  To compile and link you program you should use “gcc blink.c –o blink”.  The system will compile your program in file blink.c and save the executable in a file called blink.  To run the program you enter ./blink and the LED on your breadboard should begin to blink.


Thanks to the folks at Sparkfun and their great Getting Started with pcDuino for getting me started with putting this tutorial together.  Also thanks to the folks on the pcDuino website for their support.  Check out the website and forums for more information.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

openFrameworks / pcDuino

After a couple of months of on and off again work building on what was started by bakercp and others I have had some success in getting openFrameworks running on the pcDuino.

I am able to compile the openFrameworks library, compile openFrameworks programs and run them.

With the steps below you should be able to compile a pcDuino Hello World application similar to the one for the Raspberry Pi.

Setup the pcDuino to use Mali Framebuffer

git clone
cd sunxi-mali
git submodule init
git submodule update
make config VERSION=r3p0 ABI=armhf EGL_TYPE=framebuffer
make install
make test
stop lightdm

At this point you should see something that looks like this


Setup openFrameworks

git clone
cd RaspberryPi-openFrameWorks
cd scripts/linux/ubuntu_pcduino/

Compile and run the pcDuino Hello World Program

cd ../apps/devApps/pcDuino_hello_world_gles2
sudo ./bin/pcDuino_hello_world_gles2

At this point you should see a spinning pcDuino board on a yellow background.

I haven't had time for much testing. Besides the Hello World program I have successfully tested several of the examples. I hope to have some time for more testing over the next couple of days.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

It Worked For Me - pcDuino

The March 1st Sparkfun New Product Friday post included a linux development board that peaked my interest.  The pcDuino was described in the post as something that folks who were looking at the Raspberry Pi but wanted a bit more should check out.  The post went on to say that besides running Ubuntu and Android you could connect Arduino shields to it.  I was hooked and by the end of the day had placed my order. A week later a red Sparkfun box showed up at my doorstep.

After unboxing it I connected a keyboard, a mouse, an HDMI cable and my ethernet switch and applied power. I was rewarded a few moments later with an Ubuntu 12.10 LXDE window on my monitor. Getting this far was a no brainer.

My next step was to get it to connect to my home network using the wireless dongle that I had ordered with the board. Unfortunately, this didn't go as well. At the time the image loaded in NAND didn't support the chipset used on the wifi dongle.

Fast forward...

I have been working with the pcDuino for about three months. For me the pcDuino has been very DIY and therefore has been an interesting (sometimes frustrating) learning experience.

To aid with the DIY process there is a lot of good information. Sparkfun has tutorials. There is a support website for the pcDuino that contains informational posts, software images, a wiki and forums. Finally there is a pcDuino repository on github.

Sparkfun Tutorials
pcDuino website
pcDuino on github

When I got my pcDuino these sites were much less mature than they are now and didn't have a whole lot of information. However, I found that there are a number of Allwinner A10 based development boards and a number of inexpensive A10 based tables made in China. As a result there is a small (compared to the RPi community) but very active user community.

Googling around the internet I found a number of sources of detailed information and source code:

Forums at - these forums are a treasure trove of information. The information is a bit dated but still very useful.

rhombus-tech - this is another site that has a lot of good A10 based information.

linux-sunxi - this site is the heart of the community and along with the linux-sunxi google group is the best source of information and software.

The lack of out of the box support for the wifi dongle led me to attempt to load the driver source and compile it. Unfortunately, the pcDuino image didn't contain the necessary header files to be able to compile the driver so I was stuck.

After looking a bit further it appeared that if I compiled my own kernel I could include the needed wifi driver. It also looked like there were several other options that I was looking for that were available from the repositories at linux-sunxi. I ended up setting up a cross compile environment on Ubuntu and building my own kernels. Building my own kernels enabled me to finally get the wifi card working and to get bluetooth working.

Over the past three months the pcDuino community has grown. The community, along with the folks that developed the pcDuino, continue to move things forward. There have been several new software images released by the pcDuino folks, some software ported to the platform, a number of tutorials developed and informational posts that apply specifically to the pcDuino.

Below is setup I I have been using. I attached my pcDuino to a piece of plexiglass with rubber feet on it to keep it from sliding around. I am using an older Sparkfun 3.3v FTDB Basic board to connect to the pcDuino's serial console and a Manahattan USB hub to connect the wifi card, an IOGear Bluetooth dongle and a keyboard and mouse as well as to supply power to the pcDuino.


One area that has been challenging is the ability to integrate some of the features that come in the stock software working with custom kernels. There is a lot of discussion as to the cause of this on various websites. It appears that some of the problem is the level of support Allwinner is providing the open source community. However, even with these challenges things have come a long way thanks to a core of very dedicated people.

My experience with the pcDuino has been positive. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a moderately powered linux development board for DIY projects as long as they are comfortable with a product that is slightly rough around the edges.

More to come...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It Worked For Me - Raspberry Pi

Pi Shell - Clear Raspberry Pi Case

After waiting all last summer to get my hands on a Raspberry Pi I finally was able to order one and get it shipped to me from Adafruit Industries last September.  When it arrived I was interested to see what it would take to get it up and running and found that it was very easy.  The biggest challenge was to determine what associated parts to buy to have a useable configuration.

When I ordered the pi I hadn’t looked into what items I would need to make it a running system.  I figured that I could pull what was needed from spares I had on hand.  For my initial test configuration I used the HDMI connection on one of my existing monitors, a usb keyboard and mouse I had sitting around, a power supply from my cell phone, and a 4GB SD card.

After some initial successful testing I decided to upgrade to an 8GB SD card and to add wifi so that I didn’t have to tethered to my ethernet switch. To this I added an existing externally powered USB hub that I had so that I could have the wifi dongle, keyboard and mouse all connected at the same time.  I also power the pi off the hub.

I decided that while I liked the barebones look of the Raspberry Pi that having a case would be a good idea to protect it.  After looking at some options I decided on the Pi Tin which I ordered from Sparkfun.

By December I had decided on a project for the pi which required sensor data collected using an Arduino and displayed using openFrameworks.  To get the data from the Arduino to the Pi I used a Sparkfun Bluetooth Mate Silver and an bluetooth adapter.

In January I was far enough along on my project that I decided to purchase a second Raspberry Pi for some testing.  For this pi I got the pi and the same case from Adafruit Industries and added a 7 port externally powered hub, a wifi dongle and another IOGear bluetooth adapter all purchased from Micro Center.

On the hardware side both Raspberry Pi's and the components I have all have been working very well together. I would suggest using the Tenda wifi dongle as it has been working well and costs much less than the Trendnet dongle.

From a software perspective I am running Raspberrian Linux and openFrameworks.  More on the software in a future update.

Rapsberry Pi #1 Configuration

Raspberry Pi #2 Configuration

The above links were good as of the original posting date.  I apologize if they don’t work at some point in the future.

Friday, February 8, 2013

It Worked For Me - Loading Arduino Sketches Using Bluetooth

For a project I am working on I wanted to be able to load Arduino sketches using Bluetooth.  A number of people have attempted to do this and many have been successful and some have not.  Here is how I did it.

My goal was to be able to load sketches from the Arduino IDE using a Bluetooth Mare Silver connected to an Arduino using a standard FTDI cable pin out with reset supported.

Here is the finished product:


Using Google I came up with a good bit of reference material.  Below are the links that I found especially useful:

Ryan Lorite’s arduino remote programming with the bluetooth mate (RN-42)

Ersin Ried’s post in the Arduino Forums Road to solve the delay on the Arduino IDE

Roving Networks’ Data Sheet for the RN-42

The Electronics Club’s A transistor inverter (NOT gate) (at the bottom of the page) circuit

Step 1 – Modifications to the Bluetooth Mate Silver

Reading the data sheet for the RN-42 we find that DTR is on pin 33.  Pin 33 is located on the side opposite from the onboard antenna.  Hold your board so that the onboard antenna on the RN-42 is to the left.  In this orientation pin 33 will be on the right side of the RN-42 and four pins up from the bottom.  It is the one that the left side of the white wire is connected to in the picture below.

Once we have located the DTR pin the next step is to connect it to the RTS position as defined by the FTDI pin out which will result in it being connected to the green wire.  In my case I disconnected the header pin from RTS on the board and then ran a wire across from DTR to that position on the header.

In the upper right corner of the picture below you can see the open hole where the header is normally connected to RTS and the white wire connected to that header position.


Step 2 – Supporting connections using the FTDI pin out

You now have DTR on the bluetooth device connected to the pin to support resetting the Arduino.  Unfortunately, with the RN-42 the DTR pin is active high and to reset the Arduino it needs to be active low.  However, this can be taken care of with a simple transistor inverter circuit using an NPN transistor and two resistors.  I used a NPN2222 transistor, male header pins and a female header socket.

The key to assembling the circuit is to bend pins in position 6 up so that they do not touch when you solder the other 5 pins together.  Once this is done

  1. Solder the emitter on the transistor to ground (pin / position 1 on the connectors).
  2. Solder the collector through a 1K resistor to VCC (pin / position 3 on the connectors).
  3. Solder the base through a 10K resistor to where you terminated DTR from the RN-42.  If you followed my example above this will be where RTS normally is.  This would be pin / position 6 on the connector to the bluetooth board.
  4. Solder the final connection from the collector before the resistor and connect it to the pin / position 6 on the side going to your Arduino.


Step 3 – Change to the Arduino IDE so it will play well with Bluetooth on Windows

You now have a hardware compatible replacement for the FTDI cable you normally use to download sketches to the Arduino.  The final thing that you need to do is to make a change to the Arduino IDE to change the way it scans for COM ports. 

Ersin Ried’s has done a great deal of work in figuring out the cause of the problem and how to get around it.  His work is documented in the following post iin the Arduino Forums: Road to solve the delay on the Arduino IDE.  Basically what needs to be done is you need to replace the existing rxtxSerial.dll module with a modified one.  The modified version can be downloaded from his website at:

The copy of rxtxSerial.dll in the archive needs to replace the copy that is located in the directory where the Arduino IDE is installed.  I would suggest renaming the copy that is there before you replace it so you can easily go back to it.

If you start the Arduino IDE on Windows with bluetooth it will be very slow to come up and anytime you try and access the tools menu.  Once you have the updated copy installed this should go away.

Step 4 – Configuring the Bluetooth Mate Silver so that the your PC can connect to it and download sketches.

There are two things that need to be configured on the Bluetooth Mate Silver.  The first thing is to set the speed to 57600 baud and the second is to change the profile so that modem signals are supported.  This enables the PC running the IDE to toggle DTR to reset the Arduino so the bootloader will accept the sketch.  The speed is set to 57600 as the when the IDE runs avrdude it sets the speed for avrdude at 57600.

To do this you will need to connect to the Bluetooth Mate Silver with a terminal emulator program, enter command mode via the three dollar sign command within 60 seconds of power on, enter two commands to update the configuration parameters and then exit command mode.

  • Set the RN-42 to DUN-DCE mode enter: S~,1
  • To set speed rate of the RN-42 to 57600 enter: SU,57.6

Below is how this looks using ReadTerm:


On thing to note is that the speed for the Bluetooth Mate Silver is set to 115200 out of the box.  So if you have not changed it you will need to have your terminal emulator set to 115200 to enter the configuration commands.

Now you should be ready to download sketches from the Arduino IDE to your Arduino using bluetooth.

If you use the Arduino serial commands you will need to make sure to set the speed when you call Serial.begin to 57600 so that it is set the same as the Bluetooth Mate Silver.

This work was built upon the work of others. I post it here not as an example of original work but as an example for reference. If I didn't appropriately credit you for your work please let me know and I will add you.